Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Our Blog Has Moved!
We have a new blog address. It is now at Sorry for the late notice to all you readers. Check it out today!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Tyler Ramsey
Tyler Ramsey is your typical indie artist. Barley making it by playing show after show for half filled venues and paying for everything out of his own pocket isn't how Ramsey does business; anymore.
He got started in his music career by borrowing money from his grandmother to record an album at a local studio. After he debuted his first ever solo album "A Long Dream to Swim Across the Sea" he caught the attention of log-time popular indie artist "Band of Horses". Since being hooked up with the already established band he not only plays guitar for them, but he also gets the privilege to open for the band every night by playing his original music. It's made a huge difference for his music career, instead of playing in front of those before mentioned half crowded halls he is now performing in smaller venues that are packed with 1,500 people every night.
In my opinion he is on his way to the top.... the top of whatever genre he wants to be on top of. Check his music out at
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
I don't hook up?
Megan told me last night that I needed to listen to Kelly Clarkson's newest song, I'm sure most of you have heard it, (I don't hook up) and I hope that if you have heard it that you've caught on to what she is saying.
Through out the song she repeats over and over again that she "doesn't hook up"; (quick, easy love) she takes her time to fall in love. What a great thought, especially coming from a celebrity who probably has someone she could "hook up with" every night if she chose to. Maybe she signs the song with a little bit of her own conviction; maybe she has experienced enough relationships to realize that waiting to give your heart to someone is the best way.
Let's give credit where credit is due, Kelly, you may not be a Christian but I thank you for feeling the need to let others know how cheap love always hurts; her 'voice' is just a little louder than mine, she's a little prettier too.
Check the song out for yourself.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Final on 30 Hour Famine
30 Hour Famine was a success after all. We ended up raising over $700 this year; and that will be added on to the 6,000 plus dollars that church t has been able to raise for this event over the years.
I want to thank all of you for your prayer and support for this event.
Nathaniel VanBuskirk
Saturday, April 25, 2009
30 Hour Famine Update
So far all is well here at 30 Hour Famine. We (some of us) got plenty of sleep last night. We are ready for our community project that we'll be doing later this morning. For our community project this year we are going to Chillicothe to pick up trash at the main hubs of the town, we thought that this would be the best way for our community to see our involvement in wanting to create a better environment.
We'll keep you posted on what's happening.
Nathaniel VanBuskirk
Friday, April 24, 2009
1st 30 Hour Famine Update
It is 12:33 am and we just returned with 25 crazy teens from the Cavalier skating rink for a late night skate for just our group. Everyone had a blast and we saw a few major wipe-outs which were caught on film! We are starting to get a little hungry, but the spirits are still high. We'll see if that changes during community service tomorrow :-) I looked over and saw Ian gnawing on Nathaniel's arm; he is the hungriest. Have a good night and we will try to post again tomorrow to keep you updated. Thanks, Meg.
Monday, April 20, 2009
30 Hour Famine
Friday, April 17, 2009
Sleeping at Last (Keep no Score)
Sleeping at Last is another one of those under appreciated bands that gets absolutely no credit. But today that all changes, yes Sleeping at Last, you will be raised to the top of the charts as all the millions of my blog readers do exactly as I say and go buy your album.
Back to reality now.
Keep no Score is only the bands second record to hit shelves since 2003. Let me just say, these guys are amazing. Many times people think that they have something fresh and new but it's really old and stale (sorry Nickleback) but Sleeping at Last really can make that claim and hold to it.
They truly are incomparable to any band that I have heard, similarities yes, comparability no!
Need I say more? Go buy they album and then you can tell everyone five years from now that you had been listening to them way before anyone else really was!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wheat Thins=Perspective
Hey all! This is Meg. Nathaniel let me take over the blog this week, so I hope you enjoy.
I have been volunteering at a homeless shelter for the past couple of weeks for a college class and I wanted to share an experience that I had today while I was there. To preface the story, I need to admit a few things: A) Although I have a heart for working with the homeless, I was really dreading my time there because I am so "busy" wrapping up this semester at school. B) I was mad that the few days that I had to sleep in this semester were taken up by my time there and C) I thought about all of the things I could be doing instead of being there. Okay, so now that you all think that I am a selfish loser, let me continue. As soon as I arrived at the shelter on the first day, 5 homeless men immediatley welcomed me and made me feel at home as they explained what I could help with. As the day continued, I found that all of them had been abused, abandoned, addicted, and rejected in some way throughout their lives. Most of them had not seen their children in years, and all of them had steady paying jobs that were eliminated as a result of the horrible economy. As I began to develop freindhsips with these men, God started to remind me why I love going on the mission trip to Toronto every summer. I get so wrapped up in all of my "problems" that I lose the ability to focus on others and realize that I have the best life in the world. We become so comfortable with going to church and calling that our "christian walk" while there are people who need our help much more then the pew needs warming.
I want to challenge you to purposefully place yourself in the position to appreciate all of the things you take for granted and to help someone who has "real" problems. There are bigger things then not having as big of a texting plan as you want. There are even bigger things than not wearing the coolest brands or driving a nice car. As you lay in your bed this evening, remember that James, Richard, Lee, Dean, and Gary are crawling into their bunks at the homeless shelter hoping that life will turn around for them tomorrow. Don't feel bad for what you have, but keep in perspecive what you do not.
As I left the homeless shelter today, they insisted that I take a box of Wheat Thins with me from their pantry. Everything clicked for me at that moment. I realized the selfishness that I had when I dreaded helping them, and I also realized that I was more blessed by them than they were by me. God used them to put my life back into perspective for me. Take some time out to help people who have REAL problems. You have to make the time, and do things for others on purpose. Trust me, God will remind you what life is REALLY about and you will be so thankful. If anyone wants to volunteer at the homeless shelter with me sometime, let me know!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
What you see is.....not what you get?
Lately I have had many conversations with people about entertainment; from music to movies to video games. And I believe that I have reached a partial conclusion to many questions that Christians have in regards to the entertainment that they choose to watch and listen to.
This will be scatterbrained but stay tuned..... "Again" I recently discovered that a "secular" artist signed to a "secular" label is a born-again Christian. I actually reviewed her album when it came out this last fall and gave it two thumbs up before knowing that she was a Christian. Why did I give it two thumbs up before knowing she was a Christian? Because the music was positive, possibly more positive than many Christian artist's music currently.
I have said this time and time again, but let me say it once more, just because something is labeled as being Christian doesn't mean that it is good, and just because something is labeled as secular doesn't mean it is bad. If we fall into this pattern of thinking we put people on a pedestal who don't deserve to be on one, and we take away the pedestal from someone who would use it for the better.
I recently had a conversation with someone who has a connection with the movie industry in Hollywood. During our conversation he said that Denzel Washington was one of the most vocal Christians in Hollywood. I'm sure your scratching your head too. How is that possible? The man has played in some really compromising films to date, how can he be a Christian?
We all have our weaknesses and maybe he is still trying to figure that out. I know that some of you are saying that if he is really a Christian he should quit what he is doing and only do family oriented films!?
Think about it like this; Megan and I play a game called for a MILLION dollars would you...... and most of the time they are things that we would in no way do normally, but since their is (imaginary) money involved we say "yes; duh". So realize that asking someone to leave everything they are use to may be a little bit hared than what it seems to be.
If something is good, and worthy of our attention and is beautiful let's keep it, the Bible says to. The Bible never commands us to only entertain Christian things but things that fit the criteria above. So lets not be to hasty to discredit something that shouldn't be. And lets not entertain what we shouldn't just because its cool.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Matthew Paul Turner
Monday, March 30, 2009
Remedy Drive (Daylight is Coming)
Remedy Drive has recently released its second full-length album that was "somewhat" anticipated by the bands rather small fan-base.
The group has not quite hit its stride as far as popularity goes, but they have found something worthwhile in their music.
Their single "Daylight is Coming" has been a rather big success for the band. Ever since they released their freshman album in 2006 the band has been somewhat of a let down for the vast majority of new music lovers (myself included). However, this new album is sure to impress even the most skeptical of listeners.
The band is not really anything incredibly unique or surprising, they do posses that good sound that you'll want to keep playing all night long though.
Check them out on itunes before you buy. Remember to make sure that you listen critically to every kind of music you listen no matter what the genre may be.
Friday, March 27, 2009
I just gonna go ahead and say it... The 80's had the best music etc. in the history of the U.S.
In what other time was music so important that people would carry and entire boom-box on their shoulder for miles just to hear the latest tunes. Now that is dedication; a dedication that is not seen for 90's pop (thanks N'sync) or the 21st century's melodic rock (fleet foxes, the postal service etc).
Yes, I
feel as if I should have not just been born in the 80's, but should have been able to enjoy the music when it was fresh instead of getting it as leftovers 20+ years later.
some may argue that the 70's where the greatest years for music and lifestyle, I will suggest however, that the 70's merely laid the cornerstones for the 80's to change the music world as we were use to or now know it.
The the two things I am unpleased with about the 80's is the invention of rap of course, which is no longer a genre but an advertisement for skimpy swimsuits and various large SUV's with spinners. The second thing that I didn't like about the 80's... when your parents make you where your onezy when you're to tall to fit in it anymore but your to young to voice your disgust with the scratchy cotton/wool that is chaffing every area of your body.
Do you think wearing to small of a onezy as a child could cause you to have achy knees as a 21 year old? If so let me know so I can let my mother know how much psychological problems she has caused for me; imagine not being able to do normal things like sit indian style (which is an extremely impoliticly correct phrase, good thing I'm not politically correct).
I will say
for the most part the 80's where, are pretty good to me. After all the the 80's gave us Bill Cosby, Duran Duran the scarce but always popular mullet, Hulk Hogan and the ability to not shower everyday without being an outcast.
Yes, the 80's were pretty good..........
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Matthew Paul Turner
Friday, March 20, 2009
Its funny how when you obtain a certain position (maybe a career position, maybe not) people expect you to be perfect at the thing that you have chosen to do.
This is not really a rebuttal aimed at anything or anyone that I have come in contact with. It is a disclaimer on myself however.
It's spring and for me that means three things baseball, shorts and spending lots of time with family and friends. The first of those things (baseball that is) is in it's stages of spring training, only the best 25 players will make it the team during the regular season. I'm a big sports fan, and even when a rookie is called up to the Major Leagues you (I) expect more of him than you probably should. You want him to win games, hit for 300. and make great catches. When in reality, he is only human and it's impossible for him to be perfect.
Just like a rookie, I have a lot of things to figure out, and there is absolutely no way that I will go one day without making a mistake, why? It's not because I don't care, It's because I'm a human and I frequently make mistakes. I am not suggesting that I like making mistakes, nor do I want to give the impression that there is nothing to strive for since I'll just mess up again. What's the point in taking a shower if you'll just get dirty again? Right?
So don't hold somewhat up to a higher standard than what he or she is capable of meeting, but to everything in life strive to be better.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Rogen As Jesus?
Seth Rogen has been just about every character possible in his young, yet seasoned career.
Nothing compares to the latest role tht Rogen signed-up for. He will be playing Jesus! That's right the cop from Superbad and the slob from Knocked Up will be playing Jesus!
The supposed premise of the movie is that the republicans want to regain political power and attempt to by cloning a Jesus.
Jurassic Jesus (the title of the film) is thought to be showing at theaters in a year or two.
I'm interested to see what becomes of the movie in general. Will Christians pick-it during the premiere? Will Seth Rogen be declared as the next Antichrist? Will President Obama do a cameo? Will Arnold make an appearance as Jesus' body guard? So many questions.
I'll keep you posted on "Jurassic Jesus" for sure.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I don't really have anything to rant about today.............................................................................................................................................
I did see a funny video the other day however. Go to and search for the breakfast song, it's a guaranteed laugh.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Advent clothing is a product company that sells guys and girls essentials; T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats.
The coolest part about the company is that they hope to give a majority of their income to help world hunger/poverty.
Whoever thought the fight against world hunger could make you look so distinguished. Instead of buying that Hollister shirt you've been wanting, help the fight against starvation go to
Friday, March 6, 2009
So I got home from work the other day and decided to turn on the TV. Usually it's right to Sports Center whenever I have control of the remote, but something else caught my eye so I tuned in to a usually unappealing E! news special.
The program was dedicated to the top 10 highest paid entertainers under the age of 30. So I sat here watching people like Miley Cyrus, who is approximately 5 years younger than me and made 25 million dollars this last year (I would have made the correct numerical association for the 25 million but.... I don't know how to since I'm unfamiliar with such large numbers).
The Jonas Brothers who are in the same age category as Miley Cyrus made around 20 million this past year. The teenage heartthrobs are expected to only gain more popularity in 2009.
So after seeing the results for these, and other celebrities with names like Timberlake, The Harry Potter kid was in there too along with Keira Knightley, I stared to feel a little insignificant; so I watched the rest of the program in the fetal position dunking Oreos into a tall glass of milk.
Finally after I felt like I was below the poverty level they named the highest paid celeb under the age of 30 for 2008. Any guesses? Anyone?
If you said Beyonce your right. The 28 year old made approximately 80 million dollars in 2008 which seems small in comparison to her net worth which is currently $9117.7; that's not a typo. SO, while the near billionairette keeps rolling in the cash I will stay here in my ordinary office with my ordinary chair (that always makes a loud cracking noise when I lean to far to the right) and the I guess I'll go home and partially enjoy a for the most part ordinary life.
Obviously I'm joking about the few last remarks I made. I am blessed with so much, I have so much more than I could possibly need. But we get caught up with all this material stuff that sometimes its hard to keep reminding yourselves, ourselves of what we have.
Next time you think of what you don't have remember what you do have.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Switchfoot (New album this Spring)
Switchfoot will finally release their first album since "Oh! Gravity" which was released in 2006.
Jon Foreman claims that the album is by far their best yet. The band also decided to independently record this album which ensures the fans that this may be the broadest range of Switchfoot any has ever heard.
Look for the album to come out early spring.
I'm just gonna make an assumption here... it's probably one you will want to buy.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Black & White Party
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Year of Living Biblically
The Year of Living Biblically is a book that chronicles one mans journey to follow the Bible's teachings as literally as possible.
He didn't shave. He didn't curse, he didn't even eat anything unholy according to the Old Testament's standards.
The most interesting thing about the guy who did this... he's an agnostic! He is not only an un- believer of Christ but he claims to be the exact opposite.
I have not yet had a chance to read this book, due to the fact that I currently have about 20 I'm trying to read.
I do think that this book could offer some great insight from a person who not only tried to live like Jesus for a year, but for the fact that he claims to have no faith in anything at all.
Check it out online or at a Barnes and Noble.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Alive (Music Festival)
I know that most of my readers already know about our plans to go to Alive Music festival this year.
Let me give you newcomers a little more info on the event.
ALive is in Canton Ohio. It is hosted by Clay Park, a camping and hiking park mainly.
The main attraction are of course... the bands. Alive will feature one of their best main stage lineups this year with bands like Anberlin, Switchfoot and David Crowder just to name a few.
There is a little something for everyone at Alive even if your not a big music fan. They have a huge swimming area, basketball courts, a mini skatepark and more.
The cost in total is $165.00. A $110.00 ticket purchase down payment is due by April 5th. This down payment will reserve your spot on the trip. The rest of the money ($55.00) will be due on May 24th. Money that is paid will NOT be able to be refunded.
For more info on the actual event go to
Or email me
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sometimes in life it's hard to remember which things are important.
We get so caught up with what is going on and what we are doing; this makes us, more often than not, forget people! We get so consumed with "things" so much so that we neglect the most important things in this life; people! We let stuff, junk control what we do and how we react instead of something with a beating heart.
Sometimes the things that are just junk play a bigger part in our life than what they should be allowed to.
I wash my car a lot, inside and out about twice a week. Yes I'm a clean freak. But what if I washed y car instead of being with someone who is important to me. Is there any commonsense in that? Even if I spend so much time with one "material" object will I ever receive love from that "thing"? NO!
What I'm saying is lets love the things that should be loved, and maintain the rest.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Allies is this Wednesday
4496 ST. RT. 180 Kingston Ohio (740)6552600.
7 - 8:30
Grades 7th-12th are invited
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Damien Jurado (Caught in Trees)
If you haven't caught on yet I don't really appreciate all the hype that the media gives to some talentless artists while the real saviors of music get neglected because they're not in and out of drug rehab, or neglected to show tooooo much skin at the latest awards show.
Well, I will give the pure rockers credit non the less.
Damien Jurado is one of the best songwriters of our time. Listen to His newest album (Caught in Trees) and you'll see exactly what I mean.
It's a a little bit of this and a little bit of that. It's a hard sound to describe or compare. The vocals are classic rock, and the music is lighthearted but motivated.
I haven't given the album an entire listen, however I have a pretty reliable source that says the content is pretty good. Give it a preview on itunes, or check it out at your local FYE.
Let me know what you think of it.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Really... Is there anything worth while anymore?
Let me explain. I just checked out itunes' top purchased albums. The first one I clicked on was labeled with a parental advisory warning. Since it was the number one album I figured "I might as well". As I glanced at which song I should take a gander at first, a title caught my eye; "F**k You" was the song that captured my attention. It obviously did the same for many other itunes goers since it was the most popular song listed on the number one album purchased on itunes.
Needless to say I didn't really listen to the album in-depth.
Let me say it again.... WOW.
I just don't get it. let me back up. It's myself that I don't get!!... maybe? Because I (we) hear things like this all the time right? So why is it such a big deal? You say "I hear a lot worse things than that just at school". That's probably very true, however, there is a difference between something you are subject to and something you allow yourself to entertain.
Maybe you fall on the side of the fence that says "words are words, and they're just man made words at that, who really cares". Who benefits from this kind of approach? Why is it necessary to go there.
It makes me made when people are advocates for freedom of speech except the speech that calls them into check with something that's apart of their lifestyle. They want to speak freely, but could care less about your right to freely speak.
It goes deeper than just a song, that's what I'm getting at.
And really for me, it's more than just a word. It's an action against someone and it's a movement towards desensitization. Maybe some of us are glad. Maybe some of us realize that becoming desensitized means to this "minor" stuff means that we will eventually be dealing with much greater issues.
Is there a solution?
I think so!
Philippians 4:8
Think about it!?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
To Write Love on Her Arms (Suicide Prevention)
Sometimes we get to caught up in the politics of Christianity (okay, maybe a little more than sometimes). We look forward to debating what music a Christian should or should not listen to, and what movies a Christian should or should not watch. These things should be discussed; but I can't help but feel as if these topics of discussion override what we should really be focusing on.
To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people who deal with depression and self inflicted injury. They are making a difference in a big way in my mind. To have a goal to save a life is much more (in my opinion) honorable than converting your friend from "secular" to "Christian" entertainment (if there is such a thing).
Maybe the next time one of these heated debates comes up about "What Would Jesus Watch" you can refocus and realize that there is a bigger picture to what we are commanded to do than just argue within our own ranks. We were created to LOVE. So... Let's spread the love and major on the majors, and minor on the minors.
Check out the organization @
Friday, February 6, 2009
A Day to Remember (Homesick)
A Day to Remember debuted their first in 2005, since then they have taken a backseat to mainstream rock but the talent is first class.
Their latest album sounds like a little bit of everything. They posses all the main food-groups of rock (Just a little joking). I have not had time to preview the whole album, but they sound good enough for you to check out on your own time.
The band somewhat resembles Emery, a staple to the underground progressive rock scene since 2004.
Since I haven't yet listened to the entire album I cannot recommend anything for it yet... However, it does sound pretty good. Check it out on itunes or in the store before you buy it.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Why is it still SNOWING?
Really, after Christmas isn't it suppose to be warm and sunny? Why is it 15 degrees right now?
If you know me well enough you know that I don't really like the cold. I want it to be summer all year long. Shorts, flip-flops and T-shirts. That is the closest to heaven that I can be while I'm still on earth.
I'm convinced that when God comes back he will first take us to a tropical paradise before we enter through the Pearly Gates.
I'm just kidding (obviously) about that last part. I do believe Heaven may actually look a lot like Fiji however.
Summer come soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
NICKLEBACK released their seventh album, "Dark Horse" in November of 2008. Even having been released prior to some highly anticipated albums later in the year through 2009, NICKLEBACK has remained in the top 12 as far as sales of the album go. They have a few catchy songs and are played on the radio as much as anyone else when they release a single.
NICKLEBACK made their biggest dint in gaining musical popularity in 2001 when they released their hit single "How you remind me". This song paved the way for them to reach the goals of anyone who has ever desired to play music for keeps.
The band continues to release hit after hit. Their sales skyrocket after a new album or when a new single is released. Money, fame and popularity are never a stranger to this band.
They don't mind letting you know that either.
This album (Dark Horse) is no exception to the bands arrogant tone. They sing abut having and doing it all. They are the "real" rock stars of this decade.
I will put my two -cents in on them as a band... It's another case of bad music being overly publicized. NICKLEBACK does have a few good songs, but overall, they don't even come close to the gods of rock. All their songs sound the same, for the most part at least. They can't seem to write a song that doesn't sound exactly the same as their last single. So my opinion, before any kind of morally conscience decision, is that..... it's just bad music!
Secondly, the bands new album distributes their thoughts of sex, drugs, and yes rock'n roll quite well. Followed up by mild profanities all the way through the album, their thoughts go about as deep as a wishing-well filled with goldfish.
I don't wanna to be labeled as a revolutionary here, but these are the kind of bands that ruined rock!
Don't buy this album, it will be a disappointment. If I were you I would take the ten dollars that you would have spent on this album and go buy stock in bee keeping apparel; in other words, anything you buy instead of this album will end up as a better purchase in the long run.
If you like NICKLEBACK and want an alternative, try..... sorry, I can't think of anyone who sounds exactly the same in every single song they record. Your out of luck.
Really check out Chevelle (This type of Thinking) if you like NICKLEBACK.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Anathallo (Canopy Glow)
Lately I've been extremely tired of all the mainstream music that is constantly force-fed to most of us. So it is refreshing when a new sounding band comes along who maybe isn't surrounded by all the hype.
Anathallo is that band. They resemble Fleet Foxes, who if you were watching, did an amazing performance on SNL this last week.
Anathallo possesses a little more of a gentle sounding music, but it non the less is one of the most entertaining albums I've heard in awhile.
I will make this quick. Buy it....Thats right.... Buy it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
U2 (No line on the Horizon)
U2, over the last 20 years has become one of music's untouchable icons. As the band has progressed through stardom during their entire career the world has been able to not only hear the change that they have brought to music, but they have changed the way we think about music entirely.
U2 was one of the pioneers in forming songs around this new decade of people. U2 bridged the gap between this generation and the last by creatively writing songs with a modern day conviction/theme to them.
U2 is releasing their newest album on the 3rd of March 2009. This album has been the most pre-ordered album in the last two years. The one big reason for the popularity of the pre-order on this album is that U2 never, ever lets their fans down, so my guess is that the pre-order route is a safe one to take.
U2 has always recored clean albums. Most of their songs could be played in even the more conservative environments. Since this album is not released yet I'm not sure if that pattern will remain true to form. So listen to it before you buy it. I'm sure that I will be one of those waiting in line to purchase the album when it comes out. I'll give you more info when I have the chance to listen to the album in its entirety. Until then, check out their single on itunes.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
I don't know how to handle it anymore. People are always talking about the government as being corrupt, but what about the greatest evil known to man right now.
That's right, "The WeatherMan". The weather man is the most inherently evil specimen known to man right now. Weathermen have messed with my sensibility so much that the other day I tried to sunbath on a snow sled. Further more I don't know whether or not to stay, come or go.
Unlike many theologians (which I am not) I believe that the antichrist will be a weatherman from Idaho. Think about all the criteria; persuasive speech, uniting the nations, "PEOPLE" who will listen to him. I believe all the information that we need is when in Revelation the Bible mentions seven stars, hello, weathermen are the biggest stars on the news. What more proof do we need.
Maybe I'll be a weather man, that way people will be so anxious for me to speak that it won't matter what comes out of my mouth. Why don't preachers have this "weatherman" anointing.
Now you have been warned. Be cautious, if I were you I would start storing canned food as well as umbrellas so we can be prepared for the final days.
Furthermore, be especially be careful of Jim Ganahl (which in hebrew means "Jesus Christ, the chosen one who will some day rule the earth by using a technique called the Doppler radar")
Monday, January 12, 2009
Rihanna (Good Girl Gone Bad)
It's been hard to ignore the rise of twenty year old Robyn Rihanna Fenty, more popularly known as simply... Rihanna. The starlet currently has four videos in the top 100, four songs in the top 100 and her album comes in at number 32 on the top 100 purchased albums currently. Life is good for Rihanna (minus that whole photographer scandal).
Rihann's posesses some of the most popular tunes on the airwaves right now. She is touring like crazy, recording like crazy and getting crazy money for doing all those crazy things.
You have to ask yourself though, has she peeked to early. This is a common theme for many young musicians (Hanson, Nsync, etc) Rihanna is not just an overnight sensation, as the afore mentioned performers were, but she does however have herself paced for burnout at a very young age.
Let's get on with the music. Her music plays a catchy beat and contains lyrics that will keep the songs in your head all day long.
I'll give her a 50/50 split on how I personally view her music. She is not the 'worst of the worst" when it comes to positive lyrics or morality, but she is also not the "best of the best" when it comes to the same issues.
I would be cautious if your planning on listening to Rihanna. Like I said before she's catchy, maybe to catchy. What I'm getting at is that if her songs get stuck in your head (speaking from experience here) what kind of words will you be repeating to yourself or others multiple times in one day.
Your right!?. I left the review kind of vague. You ultimately decided what you will do and what you won't do. I will always suggest, however, that you listen to any album you buy with your parents (I'll listen to it with you). You make the ultimate decision however. So choose already.
Friday, January 9, 2009
MuteMath (Flesh and Bones live)
This is by far one of the best albums I own. MuteMath is a band that gets as much credit as a middle child, but possesses all the talents and brains of the first born (just had to get that off my chest).
MuteMath has been liberating people by rocking (as Jack Black would say) since 2006 when they debuted their first self-titled album. Since then they've been nearly invisible... if you haven't been looking for them. But they're there none the less. After releasing songs for two of the most purchased soundtracks in the past two years (Transformers & Twilight) they band has started to catch the eyes and ears of listeners everywhere.
They have performed on the Jay Lenno Show, Jimmy Kimmel live and continue to make appearances on some of the nations top TV shows.
They're music is really indescribable; its techno/rock/everything that makes you move.
If you like to dance to your music, this is definitely an album for you. Check it out on itunes or pick it up at your local record shop. You won't be disappointed. You can also check out some of their music and videos by using the Video Bar -> I would highly recommend watching their performance on Jimmy Kimmel, it is performed backwards.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thriving Ivory (Self Titled)
Thriving is another up and coming artist that has gained the attention of critics and fans alike. The bands self titled album released in June of 2008 and quickly became popular when the bands first single "Angels on the Moon" hit the airwaves.
The bands thoughtful lyrics are clashed with, shall we say a very unique vocal performance by Clayton Stroope (lead vocals for the band). At first I will admit it....I HATED the vocals on the record. But it seemed like whenever I got into the car "Angels on the Moon" was playing, and after awhile I became more appreciative of the vocals. The bands music could be compared to Augustana who is know for their, at one time huge single "Boston" however, Thriving Ivory is on a different level of talent than Augustana. Needless to say, similar tones are about all the bands have in common.
I recently listened to the album in its entirety. It was good! Let me say that before I say anything else. In this album the band exudes there thoughts on differences found in many forms. From 'people' to 'thoughts' to 'structures', the band seems to be soul searching for their own place, as well as helping the listener be content with who they really are.
The album is offensive in no way. As for the times I have listen to it, I have heard no inappropriate language or suggestive language. However, the band does deal with more mature subject matters than oh, say, the Jonas Brothers. So be watchful of the content in this album even though it's "clean". Always be watchful of whatever it is when you decide to entertain yourself with something no matter how harmless it seems. Even if your youth pastor tells you that it is a good listen, test it. Use your own discretion on what you should be watching or listening to. Don't let someone else tell you what is okay or not okay.
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