Tyler Ramsey is your typical indie artist. Barley making it by playing show after show for half filled venues and paying for everything out of his own pocket isn't how Ramsey does business; anymore.
He got started in his music career by borrowing money from his grandmother to record an album at a local studio. After he debuted his first ever solo album "A Long Dream to Swim Across the Sea" he caught the attention of log-time popular indie artist "Band of Horses". Since being hooked up with the already established band he not only plays guitar for them, but he also gets the privilege to open for the band every night by playing his original music. It's made a huge difference for his music career, instead of playing in front of those before mentioned half crowded halls he is now performing in smaller venues that are packed with 1,500 people every night.
In my opinion he is on his way to the top.... the top of whatever genre he wants to be on top of. Check his music out at tylerramsey.com