Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What you see is.....not what you get?

Lately I have had many conversations with people about entertainment; from music to movies to video games. And I believe that I have reached a partial conclusion to many questions that Christians have in regards to the entertainment that they choose to watch and listen to.

This will be scatterbrained but stay tuned..... "Again" I recently discovered that a "secular" artist signed to a "secular" label is a born-again Christian. I actually reviewed her album when it came out this last fall and gave it two thumbs up before knowing that she was a Christian. Why did I give it two thumbs up before knowing she was a Christian? Because the music was positive, possibly more positive than many Christian artist's music currently.
I have said this time and time again, but let me say it once more, just because something is labeled as being Christian doesn't mean that it is good, and just because something is labeled as secular doesn't mean it is bad. If we fall into this pattern of thinking we put people on a pedestal who don't deserve to be on one, and we take away the pedestal from someone who would use it for the better.

I recently had a conversation with someone who has a connection with the movie industry in Hollywood. During our conversation he said that Denzel Washington was one of the most vocal Christians in Hollywood. I'm sure your scratching your head too. How is that possible? The man has played in some really compromising films to date, how can he be a Christian?
We all have our weaknesses and maybe he is still trying to figure that out. I know that some of you are saying that if he is really a Christian he should quit what he is doing and only do family oriented films!?
Think about it like this; Megan and I play a game called for a MILLION dollars would you...... and most of the time they are things that we would in no way do normally, but since their is (imaginary) money involved we say "yes; duh". So realize that asking someone to leave everything they are use to may be a little bit hared than what it seems to be.

If something is good, and worthy of our attention and is beautiful let's keep it, the Bible says to. The Bible never commands us to only entertain Christian things but things that fit the criteria above. So lets not be to hasty to discredit something that shouldn't be. And lets not entertain what we shouldn't just because its cool.