Friday, February 13, 2009


Really... Is there anything worth while anymore?

Let me explain. I just checked out itunes' top purchased albums. The first one I clicked on was labeled with a parental advisory warning. Since it was the number one album I figured "I might as well". As I glanced at which song I should take a gander at first, a title caught my eye; "F**k You" was the song that captured my attention. It obviously did the same for many other itunes goers since it was the most popular song listed on the number one album purchased on itunes. 

Needless to say I didn't really listen to the album in-depth. 

Let me say it again.... WOW. 

I just don't get it. let me back up. It's myself that I don't get!!... maybe? Because I (we) hear things like this all the time right? So why is it such a big deal? You say "I hear a lot worse things than that just at school". That's probably very true, however, there is a difference between something you are subject to and something you allow yourself to entertain. 

Maybe you fall on the side of the fence that says "words are words, and they're just man made words at that, who really cares".  Who benefits from this kind of approach? Why is it necessary to go there. 

It makes me made when people are advocates for freedom of speech except the speech that calls them into check with something that's apart of their lifestyle. They want to speak freely, but could care less about your right to freely speak. 

It goes deeper than just a song, that's what I'm getting at. 

And really for me, it's more than just a word. It's an action against someone and it's a movement towards desensitization. Maybe some of us are glad. Maybe some of us realize that becoming desensitized means to this "minor" stuff means that we will eventually be dealing with much greater issues. 

Is there a solution? 
I think so!
Philippians  4:8

Think about it!?