Tuesday, February 10, 2009

To Write Love on Her Arms (Suicide Prevention)

Sometimes we get to caught up in the politics of Christianity (okay, maybe a little more than sometimes).  We look forward to debating what music a Christian should or should not listen to, and what movies a Christian should or should not watch.  These things should be discussed; but I can't help but feel as if these topics of discussion override what we should really be focusing on.

To Write Love on Her Arms is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping people who deal with depression and self inflicted injury.  They are making a difference in a big way in my mind. To have a goal to save a life is much more (in my opinion) honorable than converting your friend from "secular" to "Christian" entertainment (if there is such a thing). 

Maybe the next time one of these heated debates comes up about "What Would Jesus Watch" you can refocus and realize that there is a bigger picture to what we are commanded to do than just argue within our own ranks.  We were created to LOVE.  So... Let's spread the love and major on the majors, and minor on the minors. 

Check out the organization  @ twloha.com