Its funny how when you obtain a certain position (maybe a career position, maybe not) people expect you to be perfect at the thing that you have chosen to do.
This is not really a rebuttal aimed at anything or anyone that I have come in contact with. It is a disclaimer on myself however.
It's spring and for me that means three things baseball, shorts and spending lots of time with family and friends. The first of those things (baseball that is) is in it's stages of spring training, only the best 25 players will make it the team during the regular season. I'm a big sports fan, and even when a rookie is called up to the Major Leagues you (I) expect more of him than you probably should. You want him to win games, hit for 300. and make great catches. When in reality, he is only human and it's impossible for him to be perfect.
Just like a rookie, I have a lot of things to figure out, and there is absolutely no way that I will go one day without making a mistake, why? It's not because I don't care, It's because I'm a human and I frequently make mistakes. I am not suggesting that I like making mistakes, nor do I want to give the impression that there is nothing to strive for since I'll just mess up again. What's the point in taking a shower if you'll just get dirty again? Right?
So don't hold somewhat up to a higher standard than what he or she is capable of meeting, but to everything in life strive to be better.