Friday, December 19, 2008

All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas; is for it to really be Christmas. As I get older Christmas becomes more and more mundane.  It turns into the exact opposite of what it was when you were a child. You start worrying, biting, scratching and clawing to do what you need to during this holiday season. We forget about the first and second most important things during this time of year; 1st the real meaning of Christmas, and others.  if you were planning on buying me something (hopefully the new Britany Spears album, which I gave such high ratings to in an earlier post) do it because you want to not because you feel obligated to. half of the Christmas festivities are done out of obligation.  Don't do that, do it because you can make someone else's holiday better than your own.  It's not about you, it never has been really. 

Celebrate Christmas in a new way this year, the way it was meant to be.  As for how that is suppose to be done... you figure it out. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Fall Out Boy (Folie a' Deux)

Fall Out Boy (FOB) is at the top of the album chart in sales currently.  After releasing their record yesterday (December 16) they had no problem forcing Britany Spears out of the top spot.  FINALLY. 

The album has been bands most anticipated release of their young career; so far it looks as if the wait was worth it.  FAB continues to raise the bar with every album, and this one is no exception. 

The band toned it down a little for this one.  It's much more of a melodic "type" of "hype" (yes I just named a genre of music myself) than what we have come to expect from FAB. There seems to be a little more meaning behind the lyrics of this album than any of their others.  Dare I say it... Fall Out Boy has grown up. 

There are a few reservations when it comes to listening to the record itself however. The band always seems to include at least one song that involves heartbreak with some kind of alcohol usage or some other method to relive the hurt.  In this aspect we can expect the same from the bands 5th full length record.  

I am not telling you to automatically discredit the bands music for this type of reason.  I am telling you that you need to think about the music you listen to.  The biggest thing that music controls in a person is their emotion.  And if a song writer is "always" talking about a negative emotion (which Fall Out Boy does not) you may need to be careful of just how much you listen to that artist.  Be choosy no matter what band or genre you are listening to.  

Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight (Movie Review)

Yes, I finally went to see what all the hype was about.  On Saturday night I found myself sitting in the movies waiting to see the highly acclaimed movie "Twilight". 

I had heard several people's opinions about what they thought of the movie, and a bunch of you who come on Wednesday nights were going to see it, so I knew I needed to give it a try. 

As for the actual content itself I really didn't find anything over the top offensive.  There was a part of the movie when a girl makes a somewhat un-lady like comment about a certain body part.  There is an inappropriate joke made about the speedos that the swim team wears. While trying on prom dresses some of the girls show a little cleavage.  There is also a scene where Edward (the main character) tells how he can hear people thoughts and describes how some people around him are thinking about sex, but he does not go into any detail.  There is one scene where the couple in the movie begin to kiss on a bed, but then Edward interrupts the make-out session by jumping off the bed.  We see in the next scene that Edward and the girl are in the bed, she is asleep and is cuddling up to a wide awake  (vampires don't sleep of course, duh) sex is not implied. That is it for the major negatives that I found in the movie. 

There were several things that I found positive in the movie as well. Family was a highly placed value on both of the main characters lists.  And even though the whole movie hinged on vampires it was never a "dark" morbid portrayal of the characters.  There were a few (what I would consider mild) violent scenes in the movie that included a few vampire bites.  

I don't know what the books are like, but the movie "Twilight" did not display as bad a wrap as it was given by critics.  I am not suggesting that you should go see the movie as soon as you can, I  am saying however, if you watch it, do so critically, think about it, test it prod it. Decide if it's good entertainment.  Decide if you could watch it with me or your parents. If you want to talk about the movie a little more in-depth email me  

Friday, December 12, 2008

Twilight (Soundtrack)

Twilight (The recently released movie) not only boasts one of the top spots on the movie charts, but it boast an even higher fan approval of the soundtrack that features songs from several of todays top performing artists.  

I have not yet seen the movie so I can't speak for its content or quality. I have read several reviews and have listened to what others have said about the box office hit, but as for my own opinion I don't necessarily have one (yet).  

The music in the movie, now that is something I do have an opinion about. The soundtrack for the movie has sold faster than any other movie soundtrack after a recently new release. It surpassed the Lord of the Rings soundtrack spot which had been held by Lord of the Rings since December 2001.  

Many of the artist featured on the Twilight soundtrack are, as I said before, from mostly top artists. The list includes Paramore, Mutemath, Muse, Linkin Park and a few others. What really intrigued me about the soundtrack is that Paramore (a band that I reviewed awhile ago, and if you remember right I said they would be hugely popular in less than a year, thats right..I called it) has done two, yes two songs specifically for the movie. You can't buy the songs just anywhere, you have to purchase the entire album either on itunes, or at your local record store. It must be a package deal, I don't know politics, it's ridiculous.  The songs that I have listened to have been "ok" as for the rest of the songs and artists I can't really tell you, because like I said you have to buy the whole album to do so. 

If you just have to have this record listen to it with your parent(s). Don't smuggle it into your house only to have your parents find it later and then you'll be grounded (trust me, I've been there before).  If you do listen to it with your parents maybe you can agree on which songs are good enough to keep and then you can import those songs that were agreed upon into your music player of choice (itunes etc.) 

If you do buy it let me know how it is. I'd like to know.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Xmas

I just want to take this time to wish everyone a happy holidays.  I hope you enjoy yourself the most over theses next few weeks.  After all, this comes only once a year. 

Some of you are probably wondering why I used Xmas instead of Christmas? Well I'll tell you why... It's because it really doesn't matter how you say it as long as your in the right festive spirit. Who cares how you say it as long as you say it. 

There's more to it than that though... isn't there? You see the real meaning of Christmas has taken a back seat for a long time now, it has been replaced by all the things we want or need (to do). Christ has been replaced with an X.  I know that some of you right now are saying "yea, your right Nathaniel, those people are so stupid". But think about it for a second; "you've" put an X over Christ too. You have made yourself so available to getting into arguments about the preservation of Christ's birth that you have destroyed the very thing you were trying to save.  You have neglected to love your brother (whether he agrees with you or not) you have done things in the name of Christ that weren't anything more than your humble opinion. 

Lets get back to the original way Christmas is supposed to be. There is a time when we will have to defend our faith and take one for the team.  For some reason I think that what we (as Christians) have made Christmas out to be something it was never intended for it to be.  Lets keep the main thing, the main thing. Merry Christmas Everyone!

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Fray (Self Titled)

The Fray was seemingly the one-hit-wonder when they released they're single "Over my Head".  But after that hit slowly died out after a long stay on the top 100 the band continues to release hit after hit.

The newly anticipated album (Self Titled) comes out this Wednesday.  The album (if ordered on itunes) comes with 16 brand - spanking new songs as well as 3 videos.  listeners who have already heard the album say that it is worth all the hype.  

It may sound like I am telling you to go out immediately and buy this record when it is released.  And I may very well buy this album myself.  

However, The Fray is not a "Christian" band.  They are signed to a secular label (Epic).  Even though they're songs are very positive and hint very much towards a higher power they will not be found in your local Christian bookstore.  What I am trying to say is that not everything with a secular label is bad; and not everything with a Christian label is good.  DON'T take off your God given "thinking cap" just because someone says this or that is Christian does not mean it is okay (Christian).   Many people have a already made this mistake.  So use your thinking cap for everything not just music and movies.  Test everything.

Monday, November 24, 2008

No Church this Wednesday

There will be no church this Wednesday due to Thanksgiving.  We will continue our mini series on SEX, DRUGS and ROCK'N ROLL December 3rd at 7pm

Beyonce (I am.... Sasha Fierce)

Beyonce has once again topped the charts in both music and music videos.  Her recently released album that came out this past week pushed many other anticipated albums to the side to claim the coveted top 40 spotlight. 
Beyonce has 3 songs on the top 100 playlist, she also has 2 music videos in the top 10 purchased on itunes currently. 
Beyonce is not a new thing to the spotlight.  She may be the most popular, and best female vocalists right now.  Her extravagant voice range claims the ears of listeners no matter what your favorite music genre is. 

Her music does give me reservations however.  I was actually unable to put a picture of her newest album on this post due to the fact that she usually has no problem bearing quite a bit of skin on the album covers and this one is no exception.  You know, I used to have nightmares about going somewhere half naked (like all of you have) Beyonce has apparently conquered that fear and has moved on to something even more terrifying.  

Lets face it Beyonce sells sex just as much as music.  She has no problem playing on the minds of impressionable listeners/watchers.  She is classier (odd but true) than most of her competitors but that is a standard not coveted by most anyone who has a decent moral standard.
If you want to listen to her music and watch her videos I can't stop you.  But I can warn you about what you may be taking in as a result of your favorite artists attitude / lyrics/ suggestive behavior. 
If you think I'm way off with this suggestion, and have misjudged this particular artist please tell me about it.  We will talk it out. 
As for now, I would have to say this is one you probably shouldn't buy. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Best Christmas Song Ever

In my search for the best Christmas song of all time I came across some highly interesting composer's / covers for some very interesting songs.  I searched high and low until I knew I had found the ultimate Christmas song.

After listening to many different artist perform this song; the likes of Josh Groban (who made me throw up a little in my mouth when I listened to his operatic version) and Jessica and Ashley Simpson (who seemed to have a definite negative effect on my dog who tried to kill himself when he heard the song.  Luckily I was able to disarm him before he could pull the trigger). 

Until finally, I found the Perfect version of The Little Drummer Boy.  Bob Seger believe it or not performs the best version of the classic old tune.  Seger connects the years past with his intentional drum reverberations, all the while greeting the future with his soft electric guitar riffs. 

So now you know where I stand.  What about you? What is your favorite holiday tune?

Monday, November 17, 2008

I'm writing this right now in my office on a cold November day.  I can see little flakes of snow hit the ground and disappear before my eyes can blink.  And I'm thinking to myself what's the point? If our lives, in the big scope of things is just a blink of an eye, what am I doing here; sitting in this office chair in a office where the heat cannot be properly controlled? (sorry if you ever walk in while I'm sitting in my recently installed kiddy-pool, due the the heat issues) 

Why am I here? I feel like I don't matter, so how can I matter?  
After all, if all I am is a snow flake hitting the ground, how can I make a difference?

After all, how much of a difference does one snowflake make on a piece of ground that stretches for miles?  The answer is none really. This is how we feel most of the time, right? We are just one insignificant snowflake that has no superiority over anything.  We're here then we're gone. This is how we feel but why? Maybe it's because we are living for ourselves rather living for someone or something else.?  If we live for ourselves we will fizzle out just like a snowflake.  But if we choose to do something and change the course of who we are and how we act, how much of a difference could we make? 

You see when we start living outside of ourselves we allow ourselves to be used in ways that we never would have experienced otherwise.  

It's still hot.......wait, now cold in my office that may never change.  But one thing has, you see if you look out my window you can see a little bit more snow starting to fall on the ground and now its not melting.  The snow that had hit the ground before and apparently disappeared has now provided a blanket on the ground so that the snow which is now falling is sticking.  We may not see the impact we will have in this life.  But it will be seen by the ones who come after us.  If we decide to make a difference.  

Media Spotlight (Copeland)

Copeland is one of my all-time favorite bands.  There newest album, '"You are my Sunshine" is their best yet.

The smooth tone that they provide has become somewhat of a lost art in today's music.  They are able to bring a heavy hearted lyrical arrangement along with an apparently joyful instrumental tone and create a masterpiece.

You may ask yourself, "If Copeland is so good how come I've never heard of them"? This is because the Russians have once again hacked into our music and only allow what is considered to be most popular to be played on the radio. (Just kidding and no offense to anyone from Russia or former Soviet Union)

This band is amazing and I'd hate for you to miss out because no one told you.  Check them out on itunes or @

I would recommend this new release as a definite buy.  

Sex, Drugs & Rockn Roll

This will be a 3 part series on "Sex, Drugs & Rockn Roll".  It will go from November 19th - December 3rd.

Bring a pocket full of questions along with your friends to this 3 part series.

If you want to find out the secretes behind these topics and how the church may unknowingly support them, come this Wednesday night at 7pm.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Media Spotlight (Taylor Swift)

So, there is another country female singer that is hugely popular right now beside Carrie Underwood.  Taylor Swift is her name writing country love songs is her game.  

Her lighthearted non twangy sound has made her instantly skyrocket in not only her music genre, but in the music industry overall.  

I've hard it said that she is the better version of Carrie Underwood. Are you kidding me, Carrie Underwood could beat Taylor Swift in a singing competition with both hands tied behind her back.  If you can't tell I'm a big Underwood fan, I'm not saying Swift doesn't have talent, it's just nowhere near the same level as Carrie Underwoods.  

Taylor Swift's music seems pretty harmless, but so did the tortoise to the hare.  Just kidding.  She seems more positive than much of the mainstream music today.  This does not mean that you don't have to think critically when listening to the album.  

Listen to this one with your parents before you buy it.  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Media Spotlight (Jon Foreman / Limbs and Branches)

Jon Foreman came on the scene about 10 years ago singing in a band called Switchfoot.  Since then he has only gotten more popular as a result of being dedicated to his talent. 

He recently released three EP records that are titled after the some of the seasons of the year; Spring, Fall and Winter.  His newest release, Limbs and Branches was released on October 28, 2008. 

His melodic and emotional genius is well on display as he takes you through some of his journeys in life.  This record is very comparable to John Mayer just recently released acoustic album.  However there is much more of a depth to Jon Foreman's C.D. than John Mayer's C.D.

I would recommend this album as a definite purchase.  If you like the acoustic sound of a guitar accompanied with smooth vocals this one is for you. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Media Spotlight (Family Guy)

Family Guy is one of TV's hottest shows right now.  It's political incorrectness and willingness to make fun of everyone (everyone) has made the once canceled show flourish after its debut in 1999.  

I watched the Family Guy regularly when I was a junior and senior in high school.  It was the funniest show on TV.  However, I realized that it was a pretty bad show to watch.  I guess I could have figured that out by how I reacted when my parents would come home while I was watching-the newest episode.  I would immediately switch the channel to sportscenter, or if it was a really foul episode I would turn it to Dr. Robert Schuler, I guess that was a way of me trying to ease my conscience. 

I know that it's hard to not watch certain shows or listen to certain music especially when the only reason everyone is telling you not to is because it's bad.  That's not a very good answer to give.  Maybe a better answer would not be answer at all but a question; what are you benefiting from watching this show?  If your really honest with yourself you'll see that it is not at all helpful but pretty harmful.  But to get to that place you have to be honest.  Which is hard for most of us. 

If you have a difference of opinion let me know, lets talk about it.  

Monday, November 3, 2008

So, maybe your thinking, "I can't vote, so what can I do about this election or the outcome of the election? I'm just a teen"?

Just because you can or cannot vote does not make you more important than anyone else.  It doesn't mean that you are lesser of an American than someone who can vote.  

So we see what you can't do.  But what can you do?

For starters...... get off your "hiny" and stop complaining.  Most of the people who complain are the people who are not doing anything to change the very things that they are complaining about.

Don't be a complainer, be a changer!

If you want to you can change the world.  If you want to!? If you want something bad enough you'll do anything to get it.  So, if you really want change you'll go to extremes to get it.  Right?

You can change the world just by effecting your immediate surroundings (family, school, friends, etc). 

If you don't who will?  If you don't lead who will you follow?  If not now, when?    

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Media Spotlight (House of Heros/ The End is not the End)

House of Heros finally released their long awaited sophomore project on September 23rd.  The bands last album came out about two and a half years ago, so long awaited is defiantly the correct term to use. 

The band started gaining credibility early in 2005.  Shortly after that they were found opening for quite a few big ticket bands.  Their sound is not necessarily unique, different and cool, but different in a cool way. 

They're main comparative would have to be Weezer; only in my humble opinion, I think they're better than Weezer. 

So if you like the old rock sound with a modern lyric genre check them out.  Look them up on itunes or youtube.  This band is on the up and coming so if you want to be there before they're REALLY big give them a listen soon. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

This post is nothing more than a rant really.  You ask yourself, what is a rant? A rant is like a soapbox, what is a soapbox you ask? This is where a certain issue or topic is conveyed to a group of people by a person who is passionate about an issue being discussed. 

Let's move on.  

Think................ Just think! Think before you speak, think before you act, think before you decide to wake up in the morning with a chip on you shoulder and take it out on someone else. Think before you decide to endorse something that you may not have all the info on. Think before you put yourself in a compromising situation. Think before you call yourself a Christian and your really not willing to be. Think before you are willing to condemn someone for their actions when you don't want to see where they're coming from. The bottom line...THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Nathaniel VanBuskirk and I approve this message!

Media Spotlight (Stephanie Smith)

Stephanie Smith is rising quickly to the top of her music genre with her smooth voice and upbeat sound.  I will say that she may have had some pull when it came to breaking into the Media Spotlight, since she did go to school with my brother.  He brought her name up and said she had been signed to a label, so I decided to give her a listen. 

Her music is very comparable to Paramore, a band who in just a few months arrived on top of the entertainment world.  The vocal similarities are undeniable between the two bands.  I wouldn't go so far to say that Stephanie Smith is on the same level as Paramore, but the similarities are definitely there. 

Smith's newest album "Not Afraid" is in stores now.  Give it a listen.  I would give it an overall grade of B.  So maybe you should give it a listen before you buy it. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Media Spotlight (The American Idol Davids)

David Archuleta and David Cook were the final contestants on American Idol this past season. Even though David Cook came away with the "grand prize", David Archuleta has emerged as a top performer himself. 

Both of the Idol contestants are coming out with albums in the near future.  While David Cook got a head start on his album, which you can pre-order on itunes right now, David Archuleta has the number 10 song in the country with "Crush" (one of my favorite songs out right now).

Both Albums seem to be worth all the hype surrounding these Idol contestants, unlike past winners who have either flopped or just disappeared.  Each one, if done right, will have a chance to put their stamp on this new generation of music. 

My suggestion would be to preview the album first (like always) and listen to it with your parents before you sneak out and buy it.  Chances are that they will both be okay C.D's anyhow. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rant Rant Rant

So I already somewhat picked on Britney Spears for her new single "Womanizer" now I get to "bash" yes "BASH" her music video for the single.  After watching oh, about 40 seconds of the video I turned it off.  It was definitely a "trashy" video.  I will spare you the harmful details about why I turned it off; but I will  say don't ever, ever watch this video. 

Remember that what you put in your brain will eventually come out of your mouth and be seen through your actions.  So, not only will you be a horrible singer, you will also be naked everywhere you go. 

Please don't watch this video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Curiosity has not only killed the cat, it has been known to kill a few teenagers too. 

Your money for Hell Escape is due this Sunday (Oct 19th) $10 is the price for your ticket and travel expenses. If you bring a friend your and your friends trip will be paid for. If your friend backs out you will still have to pay for your ticket. 

We are going to Hell Escape on October 31st. I will determine a time for us to leave after I receive all of the money to order tickets. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Media Spotlight (The Office)

Well it took me long enough but yes The Office has finally made it to the Media Spotlight (They've really moved up in the world huh)  It's dry humor and identifiable work situations make this real life sit-com a show that is one of the most popular right now.  

After watching the show for awhile now it is fairly clean as far as subject matter and language go. 

It may take you awhile to understand the humor of The Office, but after you do the possibilities are endless.  Steve Carell who plays the office's regional supervisor is at his best in the Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch.  

Watch this with your parents a few times and then talk about the subject matter and whether or not it's something you should be watching or not.  

Media Spotlight (Britney Spears/ Womanizer)

Are you wondering if this is a joke?  Well in a way it is.  Most of anything that has to do with Britney Spears is a joke anymore.  I didn't mean to offend any hardcore Britney supporters out there.  

Obviously there are some people out there who don't think she is no joke.  That's probably why her song "Womanizer" is number 1 on the top 40 right now.  Wow........... Didn't see that coming.  I listened to the song and to say that I was filled with the desire to anticipate her upcoming album would be a lie.  The song was bland and overall pathetic.  

So even though this was somewhat of a joke, I would advise you to not buy this song or her upcoming album.  

Remember friends don't let friends listen to Britney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Media Spotlight (Anberlin/ New Surrender)

Amazing.  That's the first word that comes to mind after giving the new Anberlin record a listening to.  The band stayed with their old style but renewed the listeners imagination. 

The emotional string that Anberlin plays through out the Cd. is unmatchable for any other rock band.  

I would highly recommend this album as one of your next purchases.  

Hell Escape

Hell escape is on October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.
More information about the event will soon be available.
If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-6200 and ask for Nathaniel.  October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.  More information will soon be Hell Escape is October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.  More information will soon be available about the event.  If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-2600 and ask for Nathaniel.  about the event.  If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-2600 and ask for Nathaniel.