Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Xmas

I just want to take this time to wish everyone a happy holidays.  I hope you enjoy yourself the most over theses next few weeks.  After all, this comes only once a year. 

Some of you are probably wondering why I used Xmas instead of Christmas? Well I'll tell you why... It's because it really doesn't matter how you say it as long as your in the right festive spirit. Who cares how you say it as long as you say it. 

There's more to it than that though... isn't there? You see the real meaning of Christmas has taken a back seat for a long time now, it has been replaced by all the things we want or need (to do). Christ has been replaced with an X.  I know that some of you right now are saying "yea, your right Nathaniel, those people are so stupid". But think about it for a second; "you've" put an X over Christ too. You have made yourself so available to getting into arguments about the preservation of Christ's birth that you have destroyed the very thing you were trying to save.  You have neglected to love your brother (whether he agrees with you or not) you have done things in the name of Christ that weren't anything more than your humble opinion. 

Lets get back to the original way Christmas is supposed to be. There is a time when we will have to defend our faith and take one for the team.  For some reason I think that what we (as Christians) have made Christmas out to be something it was never intended for it to be.  Lets keep the main thing, the main thing. Merry Christmas Everyone!