Monday, December 15, 2008

Twilight (Movie Review)

Yes, I finally went to see what all the hype was about.  On Saturday night I found myself sitting in the movies waiting to see the highly acclaimed movie "Twilight". 

I had heard several people's opinions about what they thought of the movie, and a bunch of you who come on Wednesday nights were going to see it, so I knew I needed to give it a try. 

As for the actual content itself I really didn't find anything over the top offensive.  There was a part of the movie when a girl makes a somewhat un-lady like comment about a certain body part.  There is an inappropriate joke made about the speedos that the swim team wears. While trying on prom dresses some of the girls show a little cleavage.  There is also a scene where Edward (the main character) tells how he can hear people thoughts and describes how some people around him are thinking about sex, but he does not go into any detail.  There is one scene where the couple in the movie begin to kiss on a bed, but then Edward interrupts the make-out session by jumping off the bed.  We see in the next scene that Edward and the girl are in the bed, she is asleep and is cuddling up to a wide awake  (vampires don't sleep of course, duh) sex is not implied. That is it for the major negatives that I found in the movie. 

There were several things that I found positive in the movie as well. Family was a highly placed value on both of the main characters lists.  And even though the whole movie hinged on vampires it was never a "dark" morbid portrayal of the characters.  There were a few (what I would consider mild) violent scenes in the movie that included a few vampire bites.  

I don't know what the books are like, but the movie "Twilight" did not display as bad a wrap as it was given by critics.  I am not suggesting that you should go see the movie as soon as you can, I  am saying however, if you watch it, do so critically, think about it, test it prod it. Decide if it's good entertainment.  Decide if you could watch it with me or your parents. If you want to talk about the movie a little more in-depth email me