Fall Out Boy (FOB) is at the top of the album chart in sales currently. After releasing their record yesterday (December 16) they had no problem forcing Britany Spears out of the top spot. FINALLY.
The album has been bands most anticipated release of their young career; so far it looks as if the wait was worth it. FAB continues to raise the bar with every album, and this one is no exception.
The band toned it down a little for this one. It's much more of a melodic "type" of "hype" (yes I just named a genre of music myself) than what we have come to expect from FAB. There seems to be a little more meaning behind the lyrics of this album than any of their others. Dare I say it... Fall Out Boy has grown up.
There are a few reservations when it comes to listening to the record itself however. The band always seems to include at least one song that involves heartbreak with some kind of alcohol usage or some other method to relive the hurt. In this aspect we can expect the same from the bands 5th full length record.
I am not telling you to automatically discredit the bands music for this type of reason. I am telling you that you need to think about the music you listen to. The biggest thing that music controls in a person is their emotion. And if a song writer is "always" talking about a negative emotion (which Fall Out Boy does not) you may need to be careful of just how much you listen to that artist. Be choosy no matter what band or genre you are listening to.