Friday, December 19, 2008

All I want for Christmas

All I want for Christmas; is for it to really be Christmas. As I get older Christmas becomes more and more mundane.  It turns into the exact opposite of what it was when you were a child. You start worrying, biting, scratching and clawing to do what you need to during this holiday season. We forget about the first and second most important things during this time of year; 1st the real meaning of Christmas, and others.  if you were planning on buying me something (hopefully the new Britany Spears album, which I gave such high ratings to in an earlier post) do it because you want to not because you feel obligated to. half of the Christmas festivities are done out of obligation.  Don't do that, do it because you can make someone else's holiday better than your own.  It's not about you, it never has been really. 

Celebrate Christmas in a new way this year, the way it was meant to be.  As for how that is suppose to be done... you figure it out.