Monday, November 17, 2008

Media Spotlight (Copeland)

Copeland is one of my all-time favorite bands.  There newest album, '"You are my Sunshine" is their best yet.

The smooth tone that they provide has become somewhat of a lost art in today's music.  They are able to bring a heavy hearted lyrical arrangement along with an apparently joyful instrumental tone and create a masterpiece.

You may ask yourself, "If Copeland is so good how come I've never heard of them"? This is because the Russians have once again hacked into our music and only allow what is considered to be most popular to be played on the radio. (Just kidding and no offense to anyone from Russia or former Soviet Union)

This band is amazing and I'd hate for you to miss out because no one told you.  Check them out on itunes or @

I would recommend this new release as a definite buy.