David Archuleta and David Cook were the final contestants on American Idol this past season. Even though David Cook came away with the "grand prize", David Archuleta has emerged as a top performer himself.
Both of the Idol contestants are coming out with albums in the near future. While David Cook got a head start on his album, which you can pre-order on itunes right now, David Archuleta has the number 10 song in the country with "Crush" (one of my favorite songs out right now).
Both Albums seem to be worth all the hype surrounding these Idol contestants, unlike past winners who have either flopped or just disappeared. Each one, if done right, will have a chance to put their stamp on this new generation of music.
My suggestion would be to preview the album first (like always) and listen to it with your parents before you sneak out and buy it. Chances are that they will both be okay C.D's anyhow.