Monday, March 30, 2009

Remedy Drive (Daylight is Coming)

Remedy Drive has recently released its second full-length album that was "somewhat" anticipated by the bands rather small fan-base.

The group has not quite hit its stride as far as popularity goes, but they have found something worthwhile in their music.

Their single "Daylight is Coming" has been a rather big success for the band. Ever since they released their freshman album in 2006 the band has been somewhat of a let down for the vast majority of new music lovers (myself included). However, this new album is sure to impress even the most skeptical of listeners.

The band is not really anything incredibly unique or surprising, they do posses that good sound that you'll want to keep playing all night long though.

Check them out on itunes before you buy. Remember to make sure that you listen critically to every kind of music you listen no matter what the genre may be.

Friday, March 27, 2009

I just gonna go ahead and say it... The 80's had the best music etc. in the history of the U.S.

In what other time was music so important that people would carry and entire boom-box on their shoulder for miles just to hear the latest tunes. Now that is dedication; a dedication that is not seen for 90's pop (thanks N'sync) or the 21st century's melodic rock (fleet foxes, the postal service etc).
Yes, I
feel as if I should have not just been born in the 80's, but should have been able to enjoy the music when it was fresh instead of getting it as leftovers 20+ years later.

some may argue that the 70's where the greatest years for music and lifestyle, I will suggest however, that the 70's merely laid the cornerstones for the 80's to change the music world as we were use to or now know it.
The the two things I am unpleased with about the 80's is the invention of rap of course, which is no longer a genre but an advertisement for skimpy swimsuits and various large SUV's with spinners. The second thing that I didn't like about the 80's... when your parents make you where your onezy when you're to tall to fit in it anymore but your to young to voice your disgust with the scratchy cotton/wool that is chaffing every area of your body.
Do you think wearing to small of a onezy as a child could cause you to have achy knees as a 21 year old? If so let me know so I can let my mother know how much psychological problems she has caused for me; imagine not being able to do normal things like sit indian style (which is an extremely impoliticly correct phrase, good thing I'm not politically correct).

I will say
for the most part the 80's where, are pretty good to me. After all the the 80's gave us Bill Cosby, Duran Duran the scarce but always popular mullet, Hulk Hogan and the ability to not shower everyday without being an outcast.
Yes, the 80's were pretty good..........

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Matthew Paul Turner

Author and speaker Matthew Paul Turner will be in Chillicothe at Centerpoint on April 19th at 6pm.

I have heard Matthew speak once before and highly recommend that you come. Make sure that you come and check it out for yourself.

More details to come.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Its funny how when you obtain a certain position (maybe a career position, maybe not) people expect you to be perfect at the thing that you have chosen to do.

This is not really a rebuttal aimed at anything or anyone that I have come in contact with. It is a disclaimer on myself however.

It's spring and for me that means three things baseball, shorts and spending lots of time with family and friends. The first of those things (baseball that is) is in it's stages of spring training, only the best 25 players will make it the team during the regular season. I'm a big sports fan, and even when a rookie is called up to the Major Leagues you (I) expect more of him than you probably should. You want him to win games, hit for 300. and make great catches. When in reality, he is only human and it's impossible for him to be perfect.

Just like a rookie, I have a lot of things to figure out, and there is absolutely no way that I will go one day without making a mistake, why? It's not because I don't care, It's because I'm a human and I frequently make mistakes. I am not suggesting that I like making mistakes, nor do I want to give the impression that there is nothing to strive for since I'll just mess up again. What's the point in taking a shower if you'll just get dirty again? Right?

So don't hold somewhat up to a higher standard than what he or she is capable of meeting, but to everything in life strive to be better.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rogen As Jesus?

Seth Rogen has been just about every character possible in his young, yet seasoned career.

Nothing compares to the latest role tht Rogen signed-up for. He will be playing Jesus! That's right the cop from Superbad and the slob from Knocked Up will be playing Jesus!

The supposed premise of the movie is that the republicans want to regain political power and attempt to by cloning a Jesus.

Jurassic Jesus (the title of the film) is thought to be showing at theaters in a year or two.

I'm interested to see what becomes of the movie in general. Will Christians pick-it during the premiere? Will Seth Rogen be declared as the next Antichrist? Will President Obama do a cameo? Will Arnold make an appearance as Jesus' body guard? So many questions.

I'll keep you posted on "Jurassic Jesus" for sure.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I don't really have anything to rant about today.............................................................................................................................................

I did see a funny video the other day however. Go to and search for the breakfast song, it's a guaranteed laugh.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Advent clothing is a product company that sells guys and girls essentials; T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats.
The coolest part about the company is that they hope to give a majority of their income to help world hunger/poverty.

Whoever thought the fight against world hunger could make you look so distinguished. Instead of buying that Hollister shirt you've been wanting, help the fight against starvation go to

Friday, March 6, 2009

So I got home from work the other day and decided to turn on the TV. Usually it's right to Sports Center whenever I have control of the remote, but something else caught my eye so I tuned in to a usually unappealing E! news special.

The program was dedicated to the top 10 highest paid entertainers under the age of 30. So I sat here watching people like Miley Cyrus, who is approximately 5 years younger than me and made 25 million dollars this last year (I would have made the correct numerical association for the 25 million but.... I don't know how to since I'm unfamiliar with such large numbers).

The Jonas Brothers who are in the same age category as Miley Cyrus made around 20 million this past year. The teenage heartthrobs are expected to only gain more popularity in 2009.

So after seeing the results for these, and other celebrities with names like Timberlake, The Harry Potter kid was in there too along with Keira Knightley, I stared to feel a little insignificant; so I watched the rest of the program in the fetal position dunking Oreos into a tall glass of milk.

Finally after I felt like I was below the poverty level they named the highest paid celeb under the age of 30 for 2008. Any guesses? Anyone?
If you said Beyonce your right. The 28 year old made approximately 80 million dollars in 2008 which seems small in comparison to her net worth which is currently $9117.7; that's not a typo. SO, while the near billionairette keeps rolling in the cash I will stay here in my ordinary office with my ordinary chair (that always makes a loud cracking noise when I lean to far to the right) and the I guess I'll go home and partially enjoy a for the most part ordinary life.

Obviously I'm joking about the few last remarks I made. I am blessed with so much, I have so much more than I could possibly need. But we get caught up with all this material stuff that sometimes its hard to keep reminding yourselves, ourselves of what we have.
Next time you think of what you don't have remember what you do have.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Switchfoot (New album this Spring)

Switchfoot will finally release their first album since "Oh! Gravity" which was released in 2006.

Jon Foreman claims that the album is by far their best yet. The band also decided to independently record this album which ensures the fans that this may be the broadest range of Switchfoot any has ever heard.

Look for the album to come out early spring.

I'm just gonna make an assumption here... it's probably one you will want to buy.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Black & White Party

"Re" will be hosting a Black & White Party Wednesday March 11th.

Bring a friend and wear black and white. Food will be supplied.

Time 7pm-8:30pm.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Year of Living Biblically

The Year of Living Biblically is a book that chronicles one mans journey to follow the Bible's teachings as literally as possible.

He didn't shave. He didn't curse, he didn't even eat anything unholy according to the Old Testament's standards.

The most interesting thing about the guy who did this... he's an agnostic! He is not only an un- believer of Christ but he claims to be the exact opposite.

I have not yet had a chance to read this book, due to the fact that I currently have about 20 I'm trying to read.

I do think that this book could offer some great insight from a person who not only tried to live like Jesus for a year, but for the fact that he claims to have no faith in anything at all.

Check it out online or at a Barnes and Noble.