Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Media Spotlight (House of Heros/ The End is not the End)

House of Heros finally released their long awaited sophomore project on September 23rd.  The bands last album came out about two and a half years ago, so long awaited is defiantly the correct term to use. 

The band started gaining credibility early in 2005.  Shortly after that they were found opening for quite a few big ticket bands.  Their sound is not necessarily unique, different and cool, but different in a cool way. 

They're main comparative would have to be Weezer; only in my humble opinion, I think they're better than Weezer. 

So if you like the old rock sound with a modern lyric genre check them out.  Look them up on itunes or youtube.  This band is on the up and coming so if you want to be there before they're REALLY big give them a listen soon. 

Friday, October 24, 2008

This post is nothing more than a rant really.  You ask yourself, what is a rant? A rant is like a soapbox, what is a soapbox you ask? This is where a certain issue or topic is conveyed to a group of people by a person who is passionate about an issue being discussed. 

Let's move on.  

Think................ Just think! Think before you speak, think before you act, think before you decide to wake up in the morning with a chip on you shoulder and take it out on someone else. Think before you decide to endorse something that you may not have all the info on. Think before you put yourself in a compromising situation. Think before you call yourself a Christian and your really not willing to be. Think before you are willing to condemn someone for their actions when you don't want to see where they're coming from. The bottom line...THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is Nathaniel VanBuskirk and I approve this message!

Media Spotlight (Stephanie Smith)

Stephanie Smith is rising quickly to the top of her music genre with her smooth voice and upbeat sound.  I will say that she may have had some pull when it came to breaking into the Media Spotlight, since she did go to school with my brother.  He brought her name up and said she had been signed to a label, so I decided to give her a listen. 

Her music is very comparable to Paramore, a band who in just a few months arrived on top of the entertainment world.  The vocal similarities are undeniable between the two bands.  I wouldn't go so far to say that Stephanie Smith is on the same level as Paramore, but the similarities are definitely there. 

Smith's newest album "Not Afraid" is in stores now.  Give it a listen.  I would give it an overall grade of B.  So maybe you should give it a listen before you buy it. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Media Spotlight (The American Idol Davids)

David Archuleta and David Cook were the final contestants on American Idol this past season. Even though David Cook came away with the "grand prize", David Archuleta has emerged as a top performer himself. 

Both of the Idol contestants are coming out with albums in the near future.  While David Cook got a head start on his album, which you can pre-order on itunes right now, David Archuleta has the number 10 song in the country with "Crush" (one of my favorite songs out right now).

Both Albums seem to be worth all the hype surrounding these Idol contestants, unlike past winners who have either flopped or just disappeared.  Each one, if done right, will have a chance to put their stamp on this new generation of music. 

My suggestion would be to preview the album first (like always) and listen to it with your parents before you sneak out and buy it.  Chances are that they will both be okay C.D's anyhow. 

Friday, October 17, 2008

Rant Rant Rant

So I already somewhat picked on Britney Spears for her new single "Womanizer" now I get to "bash" yes "BASH" her music video for the single.  After watching oh, about 40 seconds of the video I turned it off.  It was definitely a "trashy" video.  I will spare you the harmful details about why I turned it off; but I will  say don't ever, ever watch this video. 

Remember that what you put in your brain will eventually come out of your mouth and be seen through your actions.  So, not only will you be a horrible singer, you will also be naked everywhere you go. 

Please don't watch this video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Curiosity has not only killed the cat, it has been known to kill a few teenagers too. 

Your money for Hell Escape is due this Sunday (Oct 19th) $10 is the price for your ticket and travel expenses. If you bring a friend your and your friends trip will be paid for. If your friend backs out you will still have to pay for your ticket. 

We are going to Hell Escape on October 31st. I will determine a time for us to leave after I receive all of the money to order tickets. 

Monday, October 13, 2008

Media Spotlight (The Office)

Well it took me long enough but yes The Office has finally made it to the Media Spotlight (They've really moved up in the world huh)  It's dry humor and identifiable work situations make this real life sit-com a show that is one of the most popular right now.  

After watching the show for awhile now it is fairly clean as far as subject matter and language go. 

It may take you awhile to understand the humor of The Office, but after you do the possibilities are endless.  Steve Carell who plays the office's regional supervisor is at his best in the Dunder Mifflin's Scranton branch.  

Watch this with your parents a few times and then talk about the subject matter and whether or not it's something you should be watching or not.  

Media Spotlight (Britney Spears/ Womanizer)

Are you wondering if this is a joke?  Well in a way it is.  Most of anything that has to do with Britney Spears is a joke anymore.  I didn't mean to offend any hardcore Britney supporters out there.  

Obviously there are some people out there who don't think she is no joke.  That's probably why her song "Womanizer" is number 1 on the top 40 right now.  Wow........... Didn't see that coming.  I listened to the song and to say that I was filled with the desire to anticipate her upcoming album would be a lie.  The song was bland and overall pathetic.  

So even though this was somewhat of a joke, I would advise you to not buy this song or her upcoming album.  

Remember friends don't let friends listen to Britney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Media Spotlight (Anberlin/ New Surrender)

Amazing.  That's the first word that comes to mind after giving the new Anberlin record a listening to.  The band stayed with their old style but renewed the listeners imagination. 

The emotional string that Anberlin plays through out the Cd. is unmatchable for any other rock band.  

I would highly recommend this album as one of your next purchases.  

Hell Escape

Hell escape is on October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.
More information about the event will soon be available.
If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-6200 and ask for Nathaniel.  October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.  More information will soon be Hell Escape is October 31st.  Your $10 admission and travel fee will be due by October 19th.  More information will soon be available about the event.  If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-2600 and ask for Nathaniel.  about the event.  If you have any questions regarding the event please call (740)655-2600 and ask for Nathaniel.